The Daily Bible (Hardcover)
Organized into 365 chronological readings, The Daily Bible in Chronological Order features NIV text in a historical arrangement, along with daily commentary. Gain a deeper understanding of God's Word as you read about biblical events in the order in which they actually happened. As this unique, chronological presentation of God's story daily unfolds before you, you will begin to appreciate God's plan for your life as never before. Reading the Bible will become a fresh, inviting, more informative experience.
Michael Youssef has used The Daily Bible in his personal devotional time for more than 15 years. "Not only is this a fascinating way to read God's Word, but also it enables you to read the entire Bible in a year," Dr. Youssef says. "Honestly, nothing has deepened my relationship with God like reading His Word each day with the help of The Daily Bible."